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Telling stories that excite

We design, write and produce multimedia content, especially video clips, where sports and brands are the protagonists. We excite your audience with images that entertain, inform, amuse, and document.


Videos, podcasts, interactive formats, blogs, ...

We write and produce multimedia formats such as audio, video, and texts, stimulating emotions and activating conversations that excite by recounting the sporting achievements linked to a brand. Videos, podcasts, interactive formats, and blogs are conveyed on social media or on proprietary domains, for use that ranges from the computer to the smartphone and lately to smart TVs. Our job is first and foremost to build a content strategy with you that is aligned with the brand values and company objectives. We create and develop the format, then choose the most suitable production team based on experience in your sector and available budget. We have produced videos with professionals who have received an Oscar® nomination and with YouTubers. We can use professional actors, influencers, voice actors or digital voices, journalists, or bloggers. We produce high-quality productions, as demonstrated by the awards we won recently.


Entertain, interact

Today, thanks to digital media, entertainment is closely linked to forms of interaction that can be easily activated thanks to technologies such as smartphones or VR viewers. For example, Movantia produces video spots for clients of the Dashlo Exxperience™ program, which with 90 golf clubs in Italy is the only golf-themed promotional advertising and networking circuit. A program capable of reaching an exclusive target with video messages, product placement, and a B2B meeting system dedicated to professionals, entrepreneurs, and global brands. We are therefore able to produce video presentations that capture attention and represent you at your best, in a professional way.


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